Saturday, March 27, 2021

KD4APP - Microwave

HP 8565A 40GHz Spectrum Analyzer - 20GHz with BG7TBL Source

Note the drift before I could even snap a picture.

Most likely because my GPSDO was not connected to the BG7TBL source.  I will repeat the test once I route a 10MHz cable from my GPSDO which is upstairs, to my lab downstairs.

HP 8565A 40GHz Spectrum Analyzer - 100MHz Internal Test


Max 2871 

Max 2871 Output at 12.024GHz on my SA

Max 2871 Output at 12.024GHz on HP 5342A counter

BG7TBL Source

Testing 1PPS source from Neo 7M GPS

My 10GHz System