Tuesday, February 14, 2023

KD4APP HAM Station

14 January 2023 - Updated picture of my station.  Recently added a IC-7300 and a Flex 1500.

14 December 2022 - Current antenna setup.  Tower project underway - waiting on tower climber's availability.

12 September 2022 

Updated picture of my station.  Added Q5 222MHz transverter and IC-9700.  Active on 2m, 222, 432 as well as HF.

21March  2021 - My Station...

National 190 Tube Radio - bought in 1962 by the original owner and it works.

Monday, February 13, 2023



Status: Fully Operational

13 February 2023 - The jumpers for 902 and 6M arrived and I installed them.  Next task is to get an entry panel.

6 February 2023 - A local tower guy came yesterday and fixed the rotator and ran the 1 5/8" cable (1.2GHz) and some LMR600 (6M) cable and swapped a few jumpers around.  The rotator fix was easy - just added some washers for spacing between the rotator and the rotator plate.  QRV now on 222, 432 and 1296 - just need to get a few additional LMR400UF jumpers on the ground side to get 6M and 902 operational.

14 January 2023 - Still having issues with the rotor - I have ordered a Yaesu G-1000DXA as a replacement.  The antennas are 432 top, next 222, then 902 and 1296 on cross-boom and on the bottom is 6M.

1 January 2023 - The tower is up - antennas installed are 432, 222, 902, 1.2G, and 6M.  Currently the 432 and 1.2G are connected via 7/8" hardline.  The rotor will be reconnected soon.

28 December 2022 - The tower guy Ryan will be here on Sunday 1 January 2023 to put the tower up.   I have 4 x 7/8" hardline connectors so I should be able to get 3 sections of 7/8" cable.  Last weekend Donald picked up some 1/2" hardline from the Land Road house and I had purchased 2 N-Female connectors for it so I will use it on the 6M antenna. 

14 November 2022 - Last week I picked up the 220' of 7/8 hardline from my home in Ball Ground and tested it - it's still good - remarkable for something purchased probably 20 years ago.  Ryan (tower guy) helped identify the hardline connectors as RFS Cellwave and I have ordered two more N female connectors on eBay to be able to get two sections out of it.

31 October 2022 - Had to cancel the order for 7/8 hardline and switch to LMR-600 as delivery of the hardline was pushed to the end of November.  I ordered three 70' pieces of LMR-600.

18 October 2022 - Got the trees trimmed yesterday - I need to order the jumpers and hardline and then the tower will be ready to put up - hope to have it finished by the end of the month or early next month.

01 Oct 2022 - The first section of tower is in the ground - there will be three more 10' sections added along with a 10' mast so it will be well over the roofline.

15 September 2022 - I have several sections of Rohn 25 that I have had for years - a top, two full sections and 3/4 of a full section which will be partially buried - that should top out at about 30' and with the rotor and a 10' mast put me at  around 40'.  This will give me better coverage North, East and West.

Here are pictures of it when it was at Lake Arrowhead's Main Gate - they gave it to me for free to take it down.