Saturday, May 22, 2021

10GHz - out in the field on 21 May 2021 at Brasstown Bald

 No contacts, but I learned a lot.

As transported (above)

Really a mess - I plan on cleaning it up and putting most of it in a box.

On top of Tripod (above)

Under the shelf - mates with tribrach on top of tripod - allows swivel and can be locked with set-screw.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

10GHz - 3 watts finally

 15 May 2021 - Working on my 10GHz transverter today - I have the 3W amplifier hooked up - all I need to do is work on the cable routing and change all of my power connectors over to PowerPoles.

On the bench (above)

On the SA to a dummy-load (above)

A video of it on my SA

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Testing MAX2871 at 10GHz for Spurs

Most recent tests 

5GHz from wide band antenna with ~1" stinger on SA input - no signal seen (above)

~1" stinger on SA input and 10GHz horn antenna (above)

10GHz from horn antenna (above)

Comparison - 5GHz from port 1 with port 2 set to output 10Ghz below top - below bottom the 5GHz signal from port 2 set to output 10Ghz

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Hallicrafters S-120 Restoration Project

Latest update: 

May 8, 2021 - Re-cap completed and tested.  See below video of it on - the next step is to cleanup the front and paint the cabinet.

April 30, 2021 - As received there was nothing but noise on all bands - checked voltages on tubes and found some issues - replaced selenium rectifier and voltages now closer to what is expected, still noting but noise.  I ordered a complete capacitor re-cap kit.  Looked around for any obvious issues and found cracked .001uf capacitor between antenna connection and another connection point (see picture) - temporarily bypassed it with on-hand capacitor of same value but lower voltage rating - miraculously she sprang to life and I was able to receive a nearby AM station with some static. 

Next steps are to complete a re-cap and align - then look at tubes to see if any are weak and need replacement.  Once all of that is complete I can begin the cosmetic cleanup on the outside.

As purchased on eBay (below)

Inside bottom view before any work done

Selenium diode (green device) replaced with 1N4007 diode - the large black component is a "glowbar".

Temporarily replaced this large .001uf capacitor with one on-hand but with smaller voltage rating until re-cap kit arrives.

Unit on my lab bench. May 1, 2021.

Recap complete - yellow capacitors from Hayseed Hamfest - 

Listening to after re-cap