Saturday, August 19, 2023

Drake TR-3 Transceiver from W4QO SK estate

19 August 2023 - UPDATE - I got a good deal on a TR-3 in decent shape and have been checking and replacing the tubes there and have it receiving but need some more work to tune it up - my hope is to be able to do the same with Jim's TR-3 some day.

28 January 2023 - Vacuumed out the top and took the bottom cover off and did the same there - the bottom is much cleaner - I guess the top took on more dust.  I'm going to use a mixture of Lime Away and water to clean off the copper.

26 January 2023 - Opened up the Drake TR-3 I got from the W4QO SK estate - it's going to need a deep cleaning.

25 January 2023 - The finished AC-3 power supply installed in the back on the MS-4 speaker and a period correct Sure Model 450 microphone purchased off of eBay that arrived Monday.

25 January 2023 - In the AC-3 I replaced the two diodes in the low-voltage section with two 1N4007 diodes and made a better ground on C4a/b and the low-voltage output is within range now.  Work on the AC-3 is complete and I can now start working on the TR-3 transceiver.

24 January 2023 - Finished replacing all the capacitors and resistors - first checks showed bias low and I adjusted this within range.  The high voltage is within range but the low voltage is 142v and should be 250v - I will check the diodes in that section and replace if necessary.

20 January 2023 - More power supply work - replaced C2 (left) and working on C4a/C4b (right).

17 January 2023 - More power supply work - Replaced C1 (left) but had to order a capacitor insulator for C2 (right) because the current insulator is cracked.  Hopefully those will arrive this week.

14 January 2023 - I opened up the power supply to start replacing the capacitors and it looks very clean.

13 January 2023 Met John N4TOL at W4QO's house yesterday and picked up the TR-3.  I cleaned up the unit - it still has some minor scratches on it - maybe some car scratch remover will fix that.  

I had previously acquired a speaker (MS-4) and power supply (PS-3) through eBay and I ordered and received the capacitor rebuild kits from Hayseed Hamfest for both the TR-3 and the PS-3 so I am ready to start working on the restoration and bringing this back to life.

1 December 2022 - More pictures sent to me - should be meeting John in Blue Ridge to pick this up from him before the end of the year.

28 November 2022 - I am purchasing another item from the W4QO SK estate sale - a Drake TR-3 transceiver.  This is a future restoration project.

Thursday, August 3, 2023


 Progress so far.

Project from:

3 August 2023 - Programmed an 8 frequency PIC chip for Ott (W4WSR) on 3256MHz.

8 June 2023 - Programmed in some other ham frequencies - this is set to "4".

4 June 2023 - Testing the PIC12LF1552 - this one is capable of 8 frequencies selectable from 0-7 via the DIP switches.  Below is set to "2" - also see program below.

May 22, 2023 - Testing with the PIC12F629 - single frequency only.

May 4, 2023 - Received the boards.