Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Crosley American Overseas


2024-04-30 - Received new dial glass and found out this is a 66CA.  Will start to work on restring of dial and tuneup soon.

2024-03-30 - I have had this radio for a while - it was given to me through a fellow ham - it belonged to a non-ham's Grandmother.  It was working shortly before he gave it to me, but the dial string broke.  I have ordered some dial string and will get this radio on my bench for testing soon.

Crosley 56TN

 Newest project.

30 April 2024 - Works - just needs tune up and cabinet refinished.  New dial glass ordered.

Philco Transitone AM Radio

 April 30, 2024 - Working!


April 13, 2024 - Been working on this little project.  Changed out all the electrolytic and wax/paper capacitors so far and did some rough tuning - able to pickup some stations on the built-in antenna, so pretty happy about that.  Next Step is to test the tubes.

The big capacitor is already out (below)

All capacitors replaced below - the three black electrolytic capacitors replaced the large electrolytic.  The yellow ones replaced the wax/paper capacitors.



Saturday, April 6, 2024

902 Transverter Issues


6 April 2024 - RESOLVED

After sending the transverter to Bulgaria in November and them not receiving it, it was finally returned near the end of March.  I let them know it was back and asked if they had an idea on a fix and if I could do the fix.  Hristiyan had me check a few voltages before and after performing a test to replicate the issue, he decided there was an oscillation issue - he had me change out a cap (see below circled in red) and that resolved the issue.  This will be used as my 902 rover.

20 October 2023

I have an issue with my 902 transverter - I am monitoring a 902 CW beacon I built and it's S3 to S5 sometimes at my house - if I switch to a SSB memory in my ICOM 9700 and transmit when I return to the 902 beacon memory I have lost about half the signal or more (usually down to S0) - the only way to get the S3/S5 signal level back is to remove power from the 902 transverter.

See two videos below.

Any thoughts on why this is happening?

See the signal return after I power cycle the 902 transverter below:

Monday, April 1, 2024

AN/URM-25 Signal Generator

Picked this up back in April - 10kc to 50Mc signal generator - needed this for radio alignment as it works down in the microvolts.